Tuesday, July 29, 2008

How my kids stay busy while driving

OK, everyone has "problems" with their kids (they do, don't they? for some reason I hear about it. Well maybe not from everybody :)

So, my kids (who are the most awesome ones in the world, lucky me) have very little problems with long drives. When asked how long is it going to take, and my reply is "(any number less than six) hours" I usually get a "Whoohooo! That's not too bad!" Pennsic will be ten hours, but we're breaking it up by visiting our friends (who we met in Plattsburgh, NY, but have moved to Rochester, NY - about half way to our final destination in PA!).
Please visit scademo.com for an idea of what we do. Visit pennsicwar.org/penn37/ for the event we'll be at. It's HUGE (12thousand people usually go, and most actually camp there). This is the largest recorded temporary town in the world. It actually gets its own zip code for the two weeks of the event!!

Anyway, here's one of the ways that my children can keep themselves occupied even when there is no scenery to see when it is after sunset. This particular movie was made during our drive from eastern MA after a different SCA event (it was called Canterbury Tales, and it was very fun!). Homeward bound was particularly quiet, despite the apparent noise of this production...

Boy I am getting the hang of this, I think! I'm sure I'll have lots to tell about when we return in two weeks! If you don't get a postcard, then that means I need your address!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hello, Jen. I have wanted to post video too but it doesn't seem to load. Next time I am over you will have to show me how.

