Monday, July 28, 2008

Getting ready for vacation

So I really should be all ready to leave for Pennsic War right now. But... We actually should be in or about nearly in Rochester visiting friends at this hour. But work sure kicked my butt this past weekend. And so I slept in until nearly noon. Does it matter that I was so wired, overtired, so much so, that I could not fall asleep until 4am?

I do look tired there. Just a bit.
Dan's parents had the boys yesterday until this afternoon, so I should have gotten right up and then packed. But no, I spend time relaxing, talking on the phone with those we were supposed to visit in Rochester. I also tried to "report" the problems I had to deal with this past (yay! glad it's over) weekend.
So even though I am not a work, I am still dealing with the post traumatic stress of it. Luckily I have my sweet pups to cheer me when I get home. (well there's Dan too, and my boys too. All who are usually, often already asleep for the night.)

Off to Pennsylvania for twelve days! Who knew PA, as far a states go, would be THE place I look forward to going each year? I'm a bit nervous about the weather and that darn Newcomer class I said I'd teach - butterflies in my tummy. But I am more so excited about hanging out with all the awesome people I know. And getting to spend my birthday with these friends! :D
Last year I spent it with my dad and family at the German restaurant on Quaker Rd. Mmmm. Their veiner schniitzel is SOOO yummy. One of my, ok two of my favorite foods are the red cabbage and the beer. Beer counts as a food, really! You ingest it, right? It's not food like carrots are, but food like doritoes. Not very nutritious in any way at all, just calories. Actually beer probably is one step better than doritoes. It's more natural than that orange dye... And no, I am not one year old as the candle indicates ;)

Tired now, already. And I haven't even been up for eight hours yet. But I have accomplished a lot, maybe. I'm almost ready to load the car. Out in the driveway is everything except clothes and kitchen stuff -spices, feast gear, whatnot. Even the tent's lumber is there, and so is our tent (that I designed and sewed myself, I like to add). Here's our tent at Freehold's last B-day Bash. Looks nice nestled in trees, I think. It was the largest tent spot and we had to really finagle it to get it up. In the dark. While it was raining. Not fun at the time, but now all happiest of memories.

That's the idea, take lots of minivacations! Here's a movie of a poi (fire) dancer who comes to many of this side of the Northern Region events and gatherings. She wears leather to prevent her clothing from catching fire. She's only one of the many many incredibly interesting and nice people we know as result of playing in the SCA.

This video does not justify the extent of her talent. You can tell Jen is tired when she really has no rhyme or reason to subject or thought. What a way to end a post. Hope everyone's next couple weeks are great. I doubt I will be able to find internet - or really want to find it- while on vacation...

And another vacation spot we visit: Hampton Beach, our annual Haley family get away. Glorious to have a real kitchen, shower, even tv for when it rains... It is something we SO look forward to each year! (Thank you Dan's parents!)

Here's Dan, before he went bald, with our little man, the Gavinator. So picturesque, eh?

Last year's photos of this vacation look very similar to each year's pics, except the boys get bigger and bigger... Thanks for checking in! Hope to hear from you soon!!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. hello Jen,

    I adore reading you blogs!! There are so fun to read!
    Yesterday I went to the seaside with the children by train to visit some friends. I'll send you some pictures

  3. comment deleted, eh?! now we're all wondering.....

  4. It was one of those weird I-don't-know-this-person-at-all "Hi, I wanna be your friend" people (who lives in IL)... I have removed my blog off the main list as a result. With photos of my dear precious boys and intimate daily life info posted, well I can't be too safe, right?! :D

  5. Yes, can't be too safe...esp. with the family photos posted. Restrict away as you are able...

    BTW "Hi, I want to be your friend and I live in Florida..."
