Sunday, July 20, 2008

Here's hoping...

So here I am using something new to keep friends and family up to date on what me and my busy family are doing. I am hopeful to be able to add posts often, but not to be on the computer too much either... Do you see the lovely children I have that keep me busy? Here we are at one of our favorite ice cream spots on Lake Flower in Saranac Lake, NY. It was one of the last times we were there, visiting before moving out of 'da park,' to the other side of the blue line... Life is much busier now that we live so much closer to everything. When we are out of milk, we dob't have to drive twenty minutes one way anymore. Everything is cheaper (food, gas, less time is spent driving distances, everything is cheaper except housing, mostly). Our social life has rocketed with the short travel distances and general population density. We moved to our current home nearly four years ago and there are still many moments where my boys are near to tears with longing of the slow, uncomplicated life of living in the woods... But life moves onward and upward, bigger and better... As Gavin says, we always have our happy "rememberies," eh?


  1. Please! Comments are welcome!

  2. Hi Jen!
    I love this, it's great! And you are a wonderful writer. Jason is here with me and he said all the boys are very cute and he misses you guys. He's busy working and getting ready to start back to college late next month. Hi and hugs to you and the boys!

    Kathy....and Jase.

  3. This is great, now i wont be too far out of the loop. Hope to see you soonish.


  4. Hello Jen!!! This is great. I have a sight like this too at

    You can see some pictures of Hannah and me in the Philippines. I will bookmark this site and visit when I can.


  5. Hello Jen,

    Here a word from Belgium!!
    Very interesting to have a blog so we can follow your lives at the other side of the big ocean!!!

