Sunday, September 14, 2008

What's the deal?

Apparently I have little time to post, although whenever I am online - which is at least daily, if not more often - I check to see if anyone has commented. Thank you Joe EH! (Now you are really far north, into Canada apparently, for your coveted wintry cold weather, eh?! lol)

OK, enough of the silliness. I find it very interesting that I think about stuff to post while I am out and about, but do not pass it along to you good folk here. Like when I am out roller blading around the neighborhood and beyond. I see many very cool things when on two feet, alongside the main roads. Things that are interesting at the time, but think that it is not so interesting when I log in to post. So I end up just looking for comments... hint hint ;)

One interesting thing I found when rolling around the main streets, outside the immediate town house neighborhood, was how much litter is on and in the grass alongside the road. It is MUCH worse than the view from the car that moves oh-so-fast. When upon two feet, albeit going much faster than than plain ole walking, the view is terrible. All rubbish is in different levels of decay, although much of it has barely lost the lettering on the labels. There are many pieces of litter that has been mowed over oh-how-many-times, looking like it *might* actually be decaying - but then again, it might just be acid rain and several years of exposure outdoors. Really people, do you (not you, actually you who are reading this (cause it BETTER NOT be any of you!) , I mean anyone who litters) think that throwing it out your car window and it's just gone? All better now that your car is clean and your lazy ass doesn't have to pick it up and carry it to a garbage container? How lame. Done venting now. Thanks for listening :)

Another very cool view while (whilst) roller blading was just this past week, before the occasional rain came (wet roads actually eliminates my brakes from working at all). So I am blading somewhere by myself - not certain where I was going at the time, oh yes, I was on my way to fight practice to the local park on Wednesday last week - and I saw a HUGE flock of geese flying right over my head, traveling in the same direction as I was, along the small side road I was rolling along. The sky was blue, the weather was chilly, and there were a few white clouds in the sky. The formation was so large that there were a few different 'v's that branched off the one very large 'V.' It was very cool hearing their honking for minutes, looking and looking... until finally sighting them! They were moving SO fast too! The experience was somewhat surreal and I cannot nearly pass along the feeling of Autumn-is-on-its-way and the great overall calmness of the experience.

I'll "deliver more experiences" soon! Hopefully with pics of the three chilluns to boot... :)

PS Update about a previous post about the woods across the street possibly being developed: It's not going to happen :) Yay!! There *IS* a protected butterfly that needs that area, phew! So no worries! Good to know the despoilment of preserved nature areas is not an everyday thing, despite what the side news headlines say...


  1. Wow, I got a WWW-shout-out on your blog! Am I now famous? (or, rather, "infamous"?) LOL!

    As for the wintery weather I, oh so, love, I actually hop over to The Rock (otherwise affectionately known as Iceland). I think you'd like it there, Jen. I would recommend listening to Led Zep's "Immigrant Song" for such a trip (I know it always gets me into the right mood when I go ;) )

  2. Hello lady! I read in our local newspaper two tourists from New Jersey were recently ticketed for littering in the Wendy's parking lot. I was so delighted they received a ticket, I read the article out loud to Shea... :)

  3. OK, Joe, I choose infamous since that'll really boost your ;)

    Hi Sue! Glad you don't mind me stealing your clever idea of blogging for friends and family not living too near. Nice to hear that people actually get caught littering. The other day I saw a ton of junk get thrown out of the window of a car filled with "those young kids nowadays" that I was following behind. Geez, I can't believe I actually can refer to kids nowadays as "kids nowadays!!"

  4. Fine! :sigh: lol if you really only want posts here is one for you :)
    I like the blog it is almost like being in the same area again. I hope to see you guys/gal soonish like before the boys get to college. lol

  5. Call the cops. Get their plate number & rat them out! I am not into inviting the police into stuff they they don't need to be a part of & I am all about teen rebellion... but there are laws against things such as littering out of your car...for a reason!
    When I lived in an urban area, one thing I noticed is that over the years not only did pay phones disappear, but the number of public garbage cans diminished. I think too that it is a refelction of society at large feeling disconnected from the earth and their community (get on that cell phone and don't pay attention to your surroundings, etc. etc. "What garbage?") . "F it" the little devil on the shoulder says as the garbage falls, that is if there is even any inner-contemplation about it... we are a throw away society on too many levels. Blah blah preach, rant rave... you get my drift...but with all things there is good and bad. At least the garbage makes us reflect and appreciate the beauty and underlying presence of nature.


    Sort of autumn feeling here...we are in the low 80's during the day and the humidity has dropped into the 80% range. I miss north east autumns! The smells, the sounds, the change...crisp, brisk air, fermenting leaves , remnants of warm sun, cold noses and warm sweaters...ahh.

    Hey to the family!


  6. Yo yo yo, sis. What up? How are ya' Adirondack Mom? Yo blog fans are wonderin where you at?

    Joe A. your rock up north is'll be a high roller when you go there now...even by broke American standards!

  7. You're absolutely correct on that point, Kath! The banks were actually preventing anyone from withdrawing AND depositing for a day!! My friend [whose wife is Icelandic] was in shock at how much the Krona dropped against the greenback!

    All I keep hearing is R.E.M.'s song "It's the end of the world as we know it.... and I feel (not so) fine"

