Wednesday, September 10, 2008

It sure feels like Fall...

I don't know about where you live, but the temperatures here are much cooler lately. And not just in the evening or at night, like the expected drop to 60 degrees F or so. I'm talking about 65 tops during the daytime, and in the evening it feels more than chilly (I still wear shorts until I absolutely have to wear pants, same goes for socks!). Just last week it was nearly 95 in the shade. I hope that wasn't our 'Indian Summer.'

So this cooler weather with sun-shining skies has been great for outdoor activities, play for the kids. Somehow we're missing a bit more of the morning - even though we were never very early risers to begin with! (Another reason we are so lucky; we don't have to live by the school bus or school's first bell.) The cooler morning air temp makes the first eye opening and first stretch that much more snuggly and rested feeling.

The colors of the trees are already beginning to change. I noticed that even "way back in" August while we were driving home from the family beach trip to Hampton Beach. All of those brightt oranges occasionally popping out from the wall of yet vibrant green leaves lining the highway. It seems that the Summer was very busy, jam packed, long. And it also seems like it flew right past. Amazing how a little bit of temperature change and earlier sunset makes one a bit more energized, ready to enjoy the new season. I am so glad to live where there are definite seasons!

This morning after breakfast, Gavin went outside to play in the backyard, as usual. After about two minutes he rushes inside, red cheeked and twinkly eyed saying, "Hey, Mommy! I smell snow!" He can also "smell" Birka, Hampton Beach, zombies, and Panteria. I am glad he hasn't said he smells anyone as that person might not think that is very cute... What an imagination that kid has!

So we're camping in northern VT next weekend! Yes, in our canvas tent, how else would we go? Thank goodness we have zero degree sleeping bags. Probably not needed, but you never know, eh? :)


  1. It's about time Persephone returned to Hades! I HATE summer and anxiously await its death every year!! I am so glad for the return of Fall & Winter!!! :D

  2. Thanks for "the last text message evah!" to my cell phone before the number goes bye-bye tomorrow. Funny that you send me a tm to tell me you left a message on the blog tho :)

    HOWEVER!! I am happy to get messages from ANYONE in whatever way works... Thanks, Joe EH! LOL

    xo Jen

    btw the cell number 518-321-6692 is done as of Monday, 9/15.

  3. Hey Jen,

    I know it has been a long time since I checked you blog. And I'm very sorry but life is so hectic....
    It feels like I'm living 30 hours in one day...
    Yorben had taken up karate lessons twice a week and Marthe is still having her swiming lessons on Saturday morning and gymnastics on Wednesday.
    Tomorrow is their last schoolday before 1 week of school holidays!!!
