Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween fun

Is it a sign of the times? There was practically NO ONE out trick or treating in our neighborhood on Halloween. Last year, there were numerous people to say "hi, how ya doin?" to. Almost enough folks around to almost say it was kind of like a block party! But this year, I think we met three other groups altogether! When I mentioned how few people were out and about to my mom-in-law, she said that much of the candy was monitored (no longer made in China or Brazil) from fear. The kids across the street went to the mall. We tried that a few years ago, but the candy was the crap kind - pure sugar, like sweet tarts or bottle caps (remember those?) and the fruit flavored laffy taffy or tootsie rolls... None of the chocolatey goodness or chocolate peanutty dreamy combo. Anyway, I digress, as usual. ;)

Below is the family after we returned from the walk around our block.

Dan and I were some sort of ghoulish skeleton faced zombie sort, um, we just like to dress up - barely anyone can recognize us, even with normal clothes on!
Rael was a video game character that would be created by a cheat code for the game Gaunlet. I would like to note that he made his entire costume. He even went out to get the long sleeve black t-shirt days earlier. Actually he made a few different costumes so he could have "choices" (his words, not mine) depending upon what he "felt like."
Connor was "an infantryman." He would settle for you calling him a soldier, but he would politley reply that he was actually an infantryman.
Despite what the photo indicates, Gavin was -for the third year running- a "zombie wizard" or a lich. But this year there wa sa twist - partly "dragon-born" - so he had red fuzzy pants with the dragon tail (see previous post). After he got home, he removed the dark green cloak and put on the top half of the dragon costume...

Below are the wonderful friends who came trick or treating with us. Misty, Patrick and Cobra. Cobra is such a cool name for a little girl. This little one has the spunk and right and adorable "attitude" to go with it too! I wonder if her personality is a result of her growing into her name or the vica versa kind of thing. Hm.
Below is Connor dressed and ready to go out, but first he needed to carve his pumpkin. He did a wonderful job, too! Both Rael and Connor did great - this was the first year they did more than draw the face on the pumpkin so I could carve it. Well, they *are* ten years old now!! And I was still 'allowed' to carve Gavin's, at least.
Nice smile, eh? I am referring to Connor still, in the photo above, not Rael, below, who is in costume as his painted smiling "stick figure happy face." What you cannot see here is the cardboard/duct tape/aluminum foil chainsaw he made with his own two hands one evening. Very ingenious, I can tell you for sure :)
And now below, here is a close up of Dan and I. The tie-dyed happy face t-shirt that Dan is wearing does look quite incongruous with the face paint, eh?! lol
More post trick-or-treating, candy-munching and Gauntlet-video-game filled dazed-eyed children.
And the family once again. Nice faces all, right? lol A good view of the chainsaw, too.

What a crew!


  1. It looks like you all had a great time! We had one ninja, one kitty-cat and one tiger this year. You never told me about how much chocolate you can get with the third child!

  2. Perhaps you still get some, as your youngest is still a bit too young to eat much of it :) But let me tell you that our junk-foodie and super sweet tooth, the Gavinator, keeps nearly ALL of his! As do both of his older brothers, as well!

    I know that they all share well, usually. But when it comes to the Halloween loot, I think Gavin only offers some after he's been cut off because he has eaten too much already...
    "That's your last one today, little man."
    "Ok, Mommy. Would you like one?"
