Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Creative outburst, you say?

So you know that my family are SCAdians, eh? Well, here is what I have been stitching these past few days. This is Asgar's newest fighting tunic (blue twilled linen with white wool appliqued on each arm). Highly addictive project, as it goes well with travel (work) *and* requires only nearly total attention (as in, I can watch the TV or the kids do homework).

This is three different batches of soap. Two are all vegetable, one is with lard as one of the three oils, all are all-naural and sooo smooth when you use it :) The dark brown flecked soap has lavender essential oil and ground lavender buds, but surprisingly is not overly aromatic. The light brown flecks is lavender EO and ground oatmeal soap. I used only 1/4 oz scent per batch (less than the 1 - 2 oz the recipe called for). The rounded soaps are bergamont (orange) scented, but only barely. The soap was ready to pour before all of the scent was able to get into it. Ah well. It is still awesome home made soap!

And lastly, below is today's latest project as of this morning. Back to the medieval thing again: this is the sugar confectionary desserty art display/sculpture for after feast consumption. (Yes, say that all in one breath, please.) It's called a 'subtlety' in the SCA. In my house I call it a Christmas present for family and friends! Especially since it can be flavored anything and be stiff or creamy, as per choice. (No peanut gallery comments on that last description, please :)

This particular project will be painted with colored and dark chocolate. And one tiger will be affixed to each crown point (to reflect the crowns of the king and queen of the East Kingdom). What you see is about only three pounds of the stuff (mint flavored fondant). I have another four pounds of the stuff to find something to do with it. I know that food coloring will be added as I have only so much chocolate in the house (suprisingly more than you'd think though :)

Last, but not least - as it entails my children, eh! Below is a picture of one of the favors that I made for the youth fighters for my local group's last event in July. It is made from yellow(!) leather and purple and green seed beads embroidered on. A belt goes thru the top so it can hang displayed. Rael and Connor and another from the local group each got one for being so awesomely honorable, chivalrous and above all having fun during the torchlight tournament.

Yes, the kids really do fight, as in boffer weapons (sword, polearm, Rael has a pole axe!) with armor, at night, under an 8' propane fueled torch, during a SCA event. To cool, eh? I would have loved being in the SCA when I was a kid!! I am lucky to be a part of it as an adult, even so. Otherwise, I'd probably be one of those "crazy" quilters or knitters, at least someone with afgans up to her eyeballs by now... LOL At least now I am only a crazy medieval re-enactor :P


  1. so with all these projects and work and kids do you ever sleep Jen? lol

  2. Hi Kevin! How's the weather inside the blue line? Cold yet? We held out as long as we could with sweaters and such so our heat was just turned on *yesterday*!!

    Apparently it is a good thing that I don't work a regular ole 8 hr a day, 40 hr a wk job, eh?! And having slave labor, um, I mean home schooled children helps! lol No really, I lose about 10 hours a night to sleep. Recharging for the busy days!

    Also, perhaps having all the bodies in this tiny house is good for lower heat bills! lol

  3. how very interesting to make soap.

    When the holidays are there, it's always thinking what to do with the children...very good idea!!!!

    The little Jen soap company!!

    Greetings from Belgium!!!

  4. No way you sleep 10 hours a night! My thoughts are/were with Kevin ('s)..that's the first thing I thought: "SLEEP, NO WAY!" You better not have any bags under those eyes girl when I see you next ;-) !!!!!

    ...shiny clean, well garbed and pleasantly eating pastry..who needs sleep!


  5. Let's see... Hm. Go to sleep about midnight and sleep in to 10am (or often enough 11am sometimes). So then, yes, it is ten hours (if not more) - and I'm not exaggerating! Sad to realize that I actually sleep that much! lol
    And apparently the ole cover-up stick is still the only thing that will prevent the dark circles from showing...

  6. Ahem. We're not all CRAZY knitters. Just sayin'.
