Saturday, May 16, 2009

Been awhile...


I have been not feeling all the best lately. Slightly down, could be the CRAZY allergies for the past two months kicking my butt. They started off their daily annoyance on our visit south to Florida - that was a move from mildew under the melting ice in NY to the full fledged pollen south into Florida for ten days. Then we returned from the wonderfully happy and exhausting trip to nearly all of the ice gone, but the wetness that allows mold to flourish still copious. Darn.

Then the weekend to south eastern PA for a SCA camping weekend and another awesome visit with friends in Gettysburg. Camping outdoors in amazingly HOT (over 90 degree F) weather in screened A-frames and the lack of something between my mucous membranes and the freshly spurting tree and flower pollen ... Well, suffice it to say, I developed a terrible sinus infection and right ear infection. Ten days of ibuprofen and antibiotics helped eliminate the teeth pain and relieve the big ouch from the right ear, but now that the antibiotics are done, the ear pain is back and in full force. Ah well. Another trip to the MD.

Everyone else in the family is doing just GREAT! Apparently I am the only one wishing for the good ole non-mucous-filled days of living upstate ;)

The Gavinator will be seven on Wednesday, so my awake hours have been filled with the new garden (when I can focus enough outdoors) and with plans of this lucky number birthday! I remember seven being my favorite year in school, I had the BEST teacher who would take us on the most memorable field trips and the class room had actual carpets (I bet the janitor just loved those...). But I digress. Gavin has requested a kitchen set, just like his cousin Sharon's, the one he played with for hours whilst on our visit. So I tried to order one, a BLUE one, all wood, from Target (I didn't want to go there, but it was the only place I could afford one that wasn't plastic) but they only had blue online. Add in the shipping cost of $60 plus tax, I bought a pink one and am going to paint the pink doors blue or green. Green because Gavin wants it to be an army kitchen. I can't forget to buy the mess kit and soldier apron and chef hat too! Maybe I should get green fabric and the sewing machine out rather than spend hours looking through stores I can't stand being in anyway...

So maybe I'm sick (well, I am, but perhaps that's not all that is keeping me down), but perhaps it might be also that my littlest guy is no longer so little?


  1. Hope you're feeling better, Jen :(

    Did my virtual "message-in-a-bottle" make it across the Pacific yet? You would LOVE it down here! Oz is a crazy place!! Can't wait to see what NZ/Middle-Earth will be like in November!!! :D

  2. I hope you feel better soon.

    Happy Birthday to Gavin. Hope he has a great one.

  3. Joe, I received the postcard today. Thanks!

    And Gavin says "thank you" for the birthday wishes, Kris! Also, the photos of little Bear on Snapfish are ADORABLE!!!

    I'm feeling a bit better today, too!
