Sunday, July 26, 2009


At the hospital where I work there is a bulletin board near the cafeteria where people can submit items for sale or rent. Houses, furniture, animals, practically nearly anything you can name.

Often I see cabins for rent in exotic places. Well, places that are fairly distant to good ole upstate New York, at any rate. Apartments or cottages are often for rent in Florida, Myrtle Beach, lots of sunny locales. At one point, I even saw a four bedroom, two and a half bath house in Daytona, Florida that was for sale for $38,000. Although I bet it was quite a fixer upper!

I have been working lots lots lots this past week, have been walking by the board a few times a day as I have been doing many extended shifts that extend over at least two meals or more, plus snacks. I will try to refrain from discussing at length the cafe options other than: they offer the same meals for lunch and dinner on the weekdays, but change them from one day to the next, but there are identical offerings for all the lunches and dinners for the entire weekend - what gives?! Whoa, anyway, back to the point here...

On another subject that will lead back to the bulletin board, Rael is lacking a bike. Gavin has claimed Rael's bike, as Gavin just has to keep up with his older brothers. So Rael has been trying to keep up with his brothers and their friends on one of those teeny tiny two-wheeled scooters. Honestly, Gavin uses "Rael's" bike because Rael no longer rides it; his knees hurt when he did as it really was a bit too small for him. So...

Whilst passing by the board this last week, I noticed bikes for sale. They were posted with really crappy xeroxed photos, but their descriptions and prices were right. One mountain bike with 24" rims was listed for $25! Another smaller mountian bikewas listed was twenty bucks. It was also a mountain bike, but it was a girl's purple bike. After walking past the board all week and thinking, looking, thinking, I ask Rael what he thought.
The conversation went something like this:
"So, Rael, I saw a picture of a bike at work today. It's for sale and I think it might fit you."
"Really?!" Grin.
"Yes, but the only thing is, is that it is purple..."
"Well, uh... I like purple!" Bigger grin.
"OK, then I will call the person and see if it's still for sale. Alright?"
"Yeah, sure!" And then Rael happily skips outdoors.
Shortly after, Dan comes in.
"Honey, at work there's a bike for sale that I think would fit Rael."
"It's listed for $20, but it's a girl's bike." The look of pure horror that came upon my dear husbands face was amazing!
And then in come Rael for a drink of water as Dan replies with "You can't let Rael have a girl's bike!!!"
And Rael says,"Uh, whoa, whoa, whoa, Mommy... Wait a second! Does it have flowers on it?"
"I'm not sure Rael. But if it does, we could easily spray paint over them."
A moment of thoughtful silence is followed by "Oh. Okay then!!" as he goes again out the front door.
Dan says, amazed, "Wow. I guess that's the difference of public school and home school..."

I thought it was really funny! :)

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